Andrián Pertout

Andrián Pertout

Manuel Bustamante

Nació en Santiago de Chile, 17 Octubre, 1963, y vivió en Gorizia, norte de Italia por varios años antes de finalmente situarse en Melbourne, Australia en el 1972. En 2007, él obtuvo el Doctorado en Filosofía (PhD) en la University of Melbourne, con unas becas del Tweddle Trust, Australian Postgraduate y Melbourne Research, estudiando composición bajo la guía de Brenton Broadstock. Premios de composición incluyen el Boston Metro Opera ‘Mainstage Award’ (EEUU), Jean Bogan Prize, ‘John Cage Centennial’ Wolf Museum of Music and Art Composition Prize (EEUU), Friends & Enemies of New Music Composition Prize (EEUU), International Music Prize for Excellence in Composition (Grecia), UnTwelve Composition Prize (EEUU), Dorian Le Gallienne Composition Prize, Betty Amsden Award, Louisville Orchestra Prize (EEUU), Veridian Symphony Orchestra Prize (EEUU), APRA Award for Orchestral Composition, Oare String Orchestra Judges’ and Audience Prize (UK), Michelle Morrow Memorial Award, y el Zavod Jazz/Classical Fusion Award. Él es actualmente el Vice-Presidente de la Melbourne Composers’ League (MCL), delegado australiano del Asian Composers’ League (ACL), y fue miembro honorario en el Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne (2007-2015) y Presidente de la Melbourne Composers’ League (2009-2013, 2017-2021). Además de ser un compositor independiente, él además trabaja como conferenciante, profesor, supervisor y examinador de composición en varias instituciones en los niveles de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado. En 2019, fue profesor visitante en la Universidad de las Artes de la Prefectura de Aichi entre abril y julio (Nagakute, Prefectura de Aichi, Japón).
He was born in Santiago, Chile, 17 October, 1963, and lived in Gorizia, Northern Italy for several years before finally settling in Melbourne, Australia in 1972. In 2007, he completed a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree at the University of Melbourne on Tweddle Trust, Australian Postgraduate and Melbourne Research scholarships, studying composition under the guidance of Brenton Broadstock. Composition awards include the Boston Metro Opera ‘Mainstage Award’ (USA), Jean Bogan Prize, ‘John Cage Centennial’ Wolf Museum of Music and Art Composition Prize (USA), Friends & Enemies of New Music Composition Prize (USA), International Music Prize for Excellence in Composition (Greece), UnTwelve Composition Prize (USA), Dorian Le Gallienne Composition Prize, Betty Amsden Award, Louisville Orchestra Prize (USA), Veridian Symphony Orchestra Prize (USA), APRA Award for Orchestral Composition, Oare String Orchestra Judges’ and Audience Prize (UK), Michelle Morrow Memorial Award, and the Zavod Jazz/Classical Fusion Award. He is currently the Vice-President of the Melbourne Composers’ League (MCL), Australian Delegate of the Asian Composers’ League (ACL), and was Honorary Fellow at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne (2008-2015), and President of the Melbourne Composers’ League (2009-2013, 2017-2021). As well as being a freelance composer, he additionally works as composition lecturer, teacher, supervisor and examiner at various institutions at Bachelor, Masters and PhD levels. In 2019, he was Visiting Professor at Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts between April and July (Nagakute, Aichi Prefecture, Japan).
Año de nacimiento: 1963
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